SwimIndia is the best swimming app available and is the ONLY social networking platform for Swimmers, Coaches, Parents, Enthusiasts, Swimming Clubs and Associations. SwimIndia has been developed with a philosophy Interact, Inspire, Achieve.
Interact - The ONLY Social Networking Platform and Mobile App having unique features to make friends, create groups, post messages, photos, videos & comments, have 1-1 conversations and many more.
Inspire - The Best Swimming App that helps Swimmers to get Inspired. Swimmers can watch Videos and read Blogs & Articles on Techniques, Nutrition, Training, Motivation etc., get Tips from the Experts.
Achieve - The ONLY App to help Swimmers and Coaches to Track Performance, Analyse and Compare the Progress, Manage Training, Diet & Injuries and there by assist the Swimmers to Achieve the set Targets and Goals.
Key Features:
Make Friends. Interact with fellow Swimmers, Coaches and Parents.
Post Comments, Photos, Videos and Messages
Create Groups. Have private conversations within a Group.
Read Articles and Blogs on Swimming Techniques, Diet and Nutrition, Training etc. Write your own Blogs and post them.
Watch Videos. Get Tips from the Experts.
Track upcoming Meets using the Meets Calendar. Create your own Meet
Track Timings in the participated Events across different Meets
Easily Post the Meet and Event Information to Friends, Groups and various Social Networking Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.
Analyse Performance in various Events across Meets. Compare with peers.
View Meet Results, Records etc. Get real-time Notifications on Results
Get local information on Swimming Clubs, Training Centres, Summer Camps etc.
Capture Timings using the Timer Feature
Get Information on Sponsorships, Government Grants, Financial Assistance etc.